2050 Taiwan - Waste Free Homeland Plan

  People who concerned with environmental issues have probably known, 2050 is a critical year about the ecosystem of the earth. According to the statistic of current annual reduced rate, the Amazon rainforest will completely disappear in 2050. Furthermore, the global population will also reach 10 billion in 2050. Due to coastline flooding, waterfront erosion and agricultural damage, there will be 150 million environmental victims, 1.5% of the total population at that time.  The United Nation has released a climate change report that the whole world must reduce 50%-85% carbon dioxide emissions a year before 2050 in order to curb global warming. Therefore, G8 Summit in 2008 also past a plan that reduces 50% of greenhouse gas emissions before 2050.

  In addition to realize our environmental values gradually through research and production development, SJ Group also proposes “2050 Taiwan - Waste Free Homeland Plan.” We believe that Taiwan’s recycling system is doing very well and waste treatment technologies are quite advanced. However, there are more than 10,000 kinds of garbage in Taiwan, but probably only 7-8 categories can be recycled. If we can replicate the successful experience of “Zero Waste Factory Plan”, apply “Non-Presorting Waste Recycling” method, and use SJ Group foaming technology, we believe we can assist ALL factories to recycle ALL the garbage theoretically. It’s not difficult to apply the experience of industrial waste recycling to the consumer waste. Our “Sports Shoes Recycling Plan” carrying out during 2009 and 2010 is a successful experience of applying of industrial waste recycling to consumer waste.

  SJ Group is having a cooperating project with carpet manufacturer now. The production lines of carpet’s rubber foaming base and the processing line of used carpet crushing will be officially operated before the end of 2010. “Sports Shoes Recycling Plan” can optimize the technology of “Non-Presorting Waste Recycling” and develop more products contain recycled materials.

  The concepts of environmental protection are changing fast. Waste reduction is already no longer fitting for current environmental claims and too mild to slow down global warming effect. We believe “Zero Waste” is the final target of environmental protection. Cooperating between See Green Industrial Co., Ltd. and community colleges is our first plan. Then we will help 3-5 of the business partnership to carry out “Zero Waste Factory Plan” and products recycling. Thus, more and more factories will involve in this process, step by step, and steps to achieve zero waste. Though, “2050 Taiwan - Waste Free Homeland Plan” is a far-off but not unachievable goal.